Safeguarding Advocacy

Who can refer or instruct a Safeguarding Advocate?

We receive safeguarding referrals from the Adult Social Care Safeguarding team, or, those nominated by the Safeguarding team to undertake a s.42 enquiry. In some circumstances we can also accept a referral from Adult Social Care professionals who are managing safeguarding concerns during a ‘best interest’ decision.

When can you refer or instruct a Safeguarding advocate?

Our advocates can be instructed to support a person in relation to a Safeguarding investigation/ enquiry under either the Care Act, or the Mental Capacity Act.

Mental Capacity Act [IMCA] referrals:

For when there is a specific planned intervention by the Safeguarding team, which the person lacks capacity to consent to. More information

Care Act referrals:

For anyone who is considered to have substantial difficulty being involved in the safeguarding process and has nobody independent to support their involvement. More information

What processes do we support people with?

This varies depending on what support the person requires to engage them in the safeguarding process. Our advocates will discuss their engagement with the referrer and person when they become involved.

What we can do?

  • We can support people to be meaningfully involved in safeguarding processes
  • We can work with the person to ensure their wants, wishes, values and beliefs are accurately represented
  • We can advocate people’s views in relation to safeguarding matters
  • We can represent people at safeguarding meetings

What happens next?

Our safeguarding advocates (IMCA or CA) will end their involvement once the safeguarding process has been completed. We will ensure the person understands this when we become involved as to not set unrealistic expectations of continued support (which is not a statutory right).

If you are interested in finding out more about our Safeguarding advocates, please contact us.

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