The Human Rights Act 1998


Human Rights protect everyone’s basic rights in Law; regardless of race, gender, age or disability. The Human Rights Act was ratified from the European Convention of Human Rights, as such Human Rights are protected by European as well as British Law.

You have human rights simply because you are human!

The Human Rights Act 1998 includes the following relevant articles:

  • Article 2 - Right to life
  • Article 3 - Freedom from torture or degrading treatment
  • Article 4 - Freedom from slavery or forced labour
  • Article 5 - Right to liberty and security
  • Article 6 - Right to a fair trial
  • Article 7 - No punishment without law
  • Article 8 - Respect for private and family life, home and correspondence
  • Article 9 - Freedom of thought, belief and religion
  • Article 10 - Freedom of expression
  • Article 11 - Freedom of assembly and association
  • Article 12 - Right to marry and start a family
  • Article 14 - Protection from discrimination in respect of these rights and freedoms

Southern Advocacy Service advocates and the Human Rights Act 1998:

All work undertaken by SAS advocates is considerate of people’s rights to specific Articles of the Human Rights Act. These generally relate to advocacy involvement; for example, Article 3 can be relevant within some Safeguarding work, Article 5 is relevant to some people within care and hospital settings, Article 8 is important when peoples family lives are affected by their situation or condition, and, Article 12 when working with people who have aspirations of starting a family, but may need support in this regard.

Our advocates will ensure that professionals are made aware if a persons Human Rights are being - or are likely to be - infringed to ensure steps are taken to protect these rights. We will also support people to make complaints if their Human Rights have been infringed within a process which we are supporting them with.

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