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Southern Advocacy Services Policies

Mission Statement

Southern Advocacy Services aims to deliver a high quality and effective advocacy service tailored to the expressed needs and wishes of each individual client.

Southern Advocacy Services challenges discrimination and disadvantage and takes positive action to ensure full participation by all groups and sections of the community.

We ensure that vulnerable people are supported and enabled people to take part in decisions about their own care, make an impact on services which they use and influence other decisions which affect their own lives.

“Nothing About Us Without Us” – Nihil de nobis, sine nobis [Latin]

Values & philosophy

We believe that people with any form of disability or mental health need are equal members of society and that everyone has the right to plan their own life, to be listened to, taken seriously and to be respected.

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” [Maya Angelou]

If you need help to speak up for yourself and find out about your choices, you need an ADVOCATE...

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